Executive-Plus serija 8" nož glavnega kuharja
- nož.
- Črna
- Na zalogi je samo še nekaj artiklov - hitro naročite! Na zalogi je samo še nekaj artiklov - hitro naročite!
- Čas dostave: 5 - 7 delovnih dni
- Ekspresna dostava
- 14 dni za vrnitev
Glavne značilnosti
Profesionalni pomočnik: za sekanje, rezanje
Oster kot britev: rezilo iz nerjavečega japonskega jekla AUS-10
Dober oprijem: črn kovani ročaj G10 z ukrivljenostjo
Opis izdelka
Naša vrhunska serija je bila razvita za strastne kuharje, ki stremijo k popolnosti. Serija nožev Executive-Plus znamke Zelite Infinity by Klarstein ponuja odlično zmogljivost in neprekosljivo lepoto v vsaki kuhinji. Z edinstveno oblikovanim ročajem z zaobljenim zgornjim delom in ultra globokimi rezili iz 45-slojnega japonskega vrhunskega damast jekla.
Naš nož glavnega kuharja iz serije Executive-Plus znamke Zelite Infinity by Klarstein bo vašo pripravo hrane popeljal na višjo raven. Edinstvena površinska obdelava rezila zmanjšuje sprijemanje hrane in težo 56 mm širokega rezila. Dvobarvni ročaj z zaobljenim zgornjim delom se odlično prilega roki in poenostavlja sekljanje, rezanje in rezanje veliko zelenjave, sadja, mesa in rib. Uživajte v veselju, da svoje sposobnosti dvignete na naslednjo raven pri pripravi svoje najnovejše mojstrovine.
- material rezila: nerjaveče japonsko jeklo AUS-10
- 45 plasti damast jekla
- rezilo z vzorcem damast vrtnice Tsunami
- edinstven zaključek rezila
- trdota rezila: 61 ± 1 HRC
- ostrina robov: 9 - 12°
- Material ročaja: G10
- 27-delna luksuzna srebrna mozaična nit Zelite Infinity
Mere in tehnične podrobnosti
- skupne mere: 34,6 × 5,6 × 2,8 cm (D × V × Š)
- dolžina rezila: 20,3 cm (10 ")
- Debelina rezila: 2,4 mm
- dolžina ročaja: 14,3 cm
- teža: cca 269 g
Kaj bo dostavljeno
- 1 × nož glavnega kuharja 8"
- 1 × usnjena torbica
- večjezična navodila za uporabo in nego
Pogoji za dostavo
Čas dostave: 5 - 7 delovnih dni
Za ta izdelek ni napisanih mnenj.
Better than they look
Bolje kot izgledajo
Whats not to love .
Česa ne ljubiti.
Messer Das Messer ist sehr scharf. QUALITÄT ist für mich bei diesem Preis ist sehr gut.
Nož Nož je zelo oster. KAKOVOST je zame zelo dobra za to ceno.
Das Messer ist sehr scharf. QUALITÄT ist für mich bei diesem Preis ist sehr gut.
Nož je zelo oster. KAKOVOST je zame zelo dobra za to ceno.
Got this for my son who's a chef..because he keeps nicking mine to take to work.
To sem dobil za svojega sina, ki je kuhar.. ker me kar naprej krade, da bi ga vzel v službo.
Llegado hoy ,probado hoy ! 1 día antes ! Como coleccionista de cuchillos y además les doy uso cotidiano a mis mejores piezas. Puedo decir que este ,es 1 grandisimo ejemplar de lo bien hecho! Y super cálidad a buen precio.Super afilado como si lo hubiera afilado yo ! Elegante ! Diseño peso etc 10.PRESENTACION ELEGANCIA 20 SOBRE 10.FANTASTICO ,CREO QUE NO PASARA NI 1 MES SIN COMPRARME OTROS IGUALES .FUNDA DE BUEN CUERO BIEN REMATADA Y AJUSTADA .IDEAL PARA R3GALO EE LOS QUE NOS GUSTA COCINAR Y CUIDAR ,DISFRUTAR DE NUESTRA COCINA ! GRACIAS POR LA LABOR BIEN HECHA !
Danes prispelo, danes testirano! 1 dan prej! Kot zbiralec nožev vsakodnevno uporabljam tudi svoje najboljše kose. Lahko rečem, da je to odličen primer dobrega dela! In super kakovost po ugodni ceni. Super oster, kot bi ga nabrusil! Elegantno! Dizajn teža itd. 10. ELEGANTNA PREDSTAVITEV 20 OD 10. FANTASTIČNO, MISLIM, DA NE BOM KUPIL DRUGIH ENAKIH DOBRE USNJENE PREVLEKE SKRB ZA, UŽIVAJTE V NAŠI KUHINJI! HVALA ZA DOBRO OPRAVLJENO DELO!
Super schönes Messer, liegt prima in der Hand und ist schön scharf.
Super lep nož, dobro se prilega roki in je lep in oster.
Bought this as a gift for my brothers 30th. The product itself is great. The knife is very sharp and looks great. Would definitely rank it above my global knife set. Unfortunately the packaging came slightly damaged which is a shame as it was a present, but overall great knife and great quality for money
To sem kupil kot darilo za brata 30. Sam izdelek je super. Nož je zelo oster in izgleda odlično. Vsekakor bi ga uvrstil nad svoj globalni komplet nožev. Na žalost je bila embalaža nekoliko poškodovana, kar je škoda, saj je bila darilo, a na splošno odličen nož in odlična kakovost za denar
Huge. Nice packaging. Swish product. But consider carefully if you need one this big. I find I use my smaller knives only, and never this one.
Ogromen. Lepa embalaža. Swish izdelek. Toda dobro razmislite, če potrebujete tako velikega. Ugotavljam, da uporabljam samo svoje manjše nože in nikoli tega.
Over the years I have bought many knives for my hobby. If you enjoy cooking as much as I do you soon realise that the most important item is a set of good knives and believe me this series of knives ticks all the boxes. The balance, looks and of course the razor sharp edge. It's beautiful to look at and the presentation is second to none. You can take a tomato and virtually rest the knife on the skin and with the very lightest of strokes goes through like a razor blade. The first cut I tested on was a tomato and the thinnest of thinnest slice was made with precision. This series of knives in my opinion is a joy to own and that would be the envy of anyone who would hold one. If I made a living selling these knives I think I could make a fortune. It's a one way show, see it, use it,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I want them!!!!
Z leti sem kupil veliko nožev za svoj hobi. Če uživate v kuhanju tako kot jaz, kmalu ugotovite, da je najpomembnejši komplet dobrih nožev in verjemite mi, da ta serija nožev ustreza vsem. Ravnovesje, videz in seveda kot britev oster rob. Lepo je videti in predstavitev je brez para. Lahko vzamete paradižnik in nož tako rekoč naslonite na kožo ter z najlažjimi potezami greste skozi kot britev. Prvi rez, ki sem ga preizkusil, je bil paradižnik in najtanjša od najtanjših rezin je bila narejena z natančnostjo. To serijo nožev je po mojem mnenju veselje imeti in vsakdo, ki bi jo imel v rokah, bi jo zavidal. Če bi se preživljal s prodajo teh nožev, mislim, da bi lahko zaslužil bogastvo. To je enosmerna oddaja, glej jo, uporabi jo,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hočem jih!!!!
A beautifully crafted knife. However, if, like me, you're not used to such a sharp knife, please be careful. I'm a home cook, so not used to that. A wonderful addition to my ever growing kitchen utensils!
Lepo izdelan nož. Če pa tako kot jaz niste vajeni tako ostrega noža, bodite previdni. Sem domača kuharica, zato tega nisem vajena. Čudovit dodatek k mojim vedno večjim kuhinjskim pripomočkom!
Amazon has such a wide range of options I wasn’t sure what to go for at first. Having done some research eventually I decided I’d need 8 inches and I’m glad I went for this option. It feels smooth in the hand and has great versatility to satisfy the most demanding of situations. Recommended.
Amazon ima tako široko paleto možnosti, da sprva nisem bil prepričan, kaj naj izberem. Po nekaj raziskavah sem se na koncu odločil, da potrebujem 8 palcev, in vesel sem, da sem se odločil za to možnost. Je gladek v roki in ima veliko vsestranskost, da zadovolji najzahtevnejše situacije. Priporočeno.
Zelite are the best knives. I like the japanese AUS10 steel the best. I own a few. This is the second chef knife I have bought. My first is still going strong four years down the line and still very sharp. I use it for everything. This second knife I have just purchased is part of a xmas present for my daughter. The weight, craftmanship and quality are fantastic. It comes beautifully packaged and looks impressive as a gift. If taken care of this knife should last a lifetime.
Zelite so najboljši noži. Najbolj mi je všeč japonsko jeklo AUS10. Imam jih nekaj. To je drugi kuharski nož, ki sem ga kupil. Moj prvi je še vedno močan štiri leta po vrsti in še vedno zelo oster. Uporabljam ga za vse. Ta drugi nož, ki sem ga pravkar kupil, je del božičnega darila za mojo hčerko. Teža, izdelava in kakovost so fantastični. Prihaja lepo zapakiran in izgleda impresivno kot darilo. Če zanj skrbite, bo ta nož zdržal vse življenje.
it Is my first Aus10 steel knife, and I'm impressed. I'm a carbon guy (52100, etc), but this knife is really something. The design is not new, but one of my favourites, I've 2 zwilling BK simillar, and I love the feel on the hand. The leather guard is simple but very good, the hammered looks it's amazing, beautiful steel, beautiful craftmanship, the only thing I've to say i'ts that it could be more sharper out of the box, but it was easy to correct that.It's almost like carbon, So 5 Stars and a strongh recommendation for you buyi this beautiful knife. .
je moj prvi jekleni nož Aus10 in navdušen sem. Sem karbonski fant (52100 itd.), ampak ta nož je res nekaj. Dizajn ni nov, ampak eden mojih najljubših, imam 2 zwilling BK simillar, in všeč mi je občutek na roki. Usnjena zaščita je preprosta, a zelo dobra, kovan videz je neverjeten, lepo jeklo, čudovita izdelava, edina stvar, ki jo moram reči, je, da bi lahko bila bolj ostra, takoj ko je bila škatla, vendar je bilo to enostavno popraviti . Je skoraj kot karbon, torej 5 zvezdic in močno priporočilo za nakup tega čudovitega noža. .
A truly stunning quality chefs knife, perfect balance and precision whilst being beautifully crafted. Wholeheartedly recommended.
Resnično osupljivo kakovosten kuharski nož, popolno ravnovesje in natančnost, hkrati pa je čudovito izdelan. Priporočljivo iz vsega srca.
Purchased this 10” chiefs knife as and upgrade after owning a kiritsuki knife from zelite’s comfort pro range for around a year. The executive plus series Of knifes is quite a step up and such a pleasure to use its well balanced and nicely weighted also RAZOR SHARP. So good that I’ve just ordered the matching paring knife for more intricate cutting and slicing. I also like this range as each knife is supplied with a well made leather sheath to keep it and you safe when it’s not in use. Shame and a surprise that the top of the range Alpha Royal series doesn’t also come with a leather sheath.
Kupil sem ta 10-palčni nož Chiefs in ga nadgradil, potem ko sem približno eno leto imel v lasti nož kiritsuki iz zeliteve serije Comfort Pro. Executive plus serija nožev je precejšen korak naprej in tako veselje je uporabljati njen dobro uravnotežen in lepo obtežen tudi RAZOR SHARP. Tako dober, da sem pravkar naročil ujemajoči se nož za lupljenje za bolj zapleteno rezanje in rezanje. Všeč mi je tudi ta kolekcija, saj je vsak nož opremljen z dobro izdelanim usnjenim ovitkom, da ste vi in vi varni, ko ni v uporabi. Škoda in presenečenje, da vrh ponudbe serije Alpha Royal nima tudi usnjenega ovitka.
I’ve only had this for a few weeks and I’m loving it so far. It’s super-sharp, very comfortable to hold and looks beautiful. The leather sheaf protects the blade whilst stored. The packaging is lovely as well, although I bought the knife for myself so I would have been happy not to have such elaborate packaging. Howevrr were, if you’re thinking of buying this as a present the packaging is perfect!
To imam šele nekaj tednov in do zdaj mi je všeč. Je izjemno oster, zelo udoben za držanje in izgleda čudovito. Usnjen snop ščiti rezilo med shranjevanjem. Tudi embalaža je lepa, čeprav sem nož kupila zase, tako da bi bila vesela, da ne bi imela tako zapletene embalaže. Kakorkoli že, če razmišljate, da bi to kupili kot darilo, je embalaža popolna!
Very nice knife, arrived soon after it was ordered and nice and sharp
Zelo lep nož, prispel kmalu po naročilu in lep in oster
Superb all-round cooks knife with a superb hand fit and a very sharp edge which is easily maintained
Vrhunski vsestranski kuharski nož z odličnim prileganjem roki in zelo ostrim robom, ki ga je enostavno vzdrževati
The knife comes beautifully presented and does not disappoint, effortlessly cuts through vegetables and meat; as you would expect. If you buy one you really won't be disappointed. The worse thing about them is if you buy one you invariably will go on to get another and another
Nož je lepo predstavljen in ne razočara, brez težav reže zelenjavo in meso; kot bi pričakovali. Če ga kupite, res ne boste razočarani. Najslabše pri njih je to, da če kupite enega, boste vedno dobili še enega in še enega
I just received mine today, bought the 8" chef knife and also the 6" utility knife. They are both beautiful, well crafted, perfectly balanced, excellent weight, super sharp and an absolute joy to use. They are a testiment to true craftsmanship and I am looking forward to many years of use.
Ravno danes sem prejel svojega, kupil 8" kuharski nož in tudi 6" nož za uporabo. Oba sta lepa, dobro izdelana, popolnoma uravnotežena, odlična teža, super ostra in popolno veselje za uporabo. So dokaz resničnega mojstrstva in veselim se dolgih let uporabe.
The product is absolutely immaculate from the presentation right down to the knife itself. You can tell a lot of thought has gone into designing this product from all the small details which come together to bring this knife into a class of its own. The handle is ergonomic and well built. The blade itself has a stunning design and is perfectly proportioned. As for using the knife it has to be said that it is a real step up from the previous knives I have owned. It cuts through everything like butter and is simply a joy to use. Thumbs up for this one. It doesn't get any better than this.
Izdelek je popolnoma brezhiben od predstavitve vse do samega noža. Lahko rečete, da je bilo v oblikovanje tega izdelka vloženega veliko premisleka iz vseh majhnih podrobnosti, ki se združijo, da bi ta nož postavili v razred zase. Ročaj je ergonomičen in dobro izdelan. Samo rezilo ima osupljiv dizajn in je popolnih proporcij. Glede uporabe noža je treba reči, da je pravi korak naprej v primerjavi s prejšnjimi noži, ki sem jih imel. Skozi vse se razreže kot po maslu in je preprosto užitek uporabljati. Palec gor za tega. Ne more biti boljše od tega.
This is the fourth Zelite knife I have, a statement in its self on how good these knives are. This was really sharp, as described, whereas others I have purchased needed to be sharpened. I am expecting these knives to last a lifetime and a repeat purchase of the brand must suggest to other potential purchasers that Zelite are doing something right.
To je že četrti nož Zelite, ki ga imam, kar samo po sebi dokazuje, kako dobri so ti noži. To je bilo res ostro, kot je opisano, medtem ko je bilo treba druge, ki sem jih kupil, naostriti. Pričakujem, da bodo ti noži zdržali vse življenje in ponovni nakup blagovne znamke mora drugim potencialnim kupcem pokazati, da Zelite nekaj dela prav.
I think this knife is superb, razor sharp and the hammered finish means onions and aubergines and the like do not stick to the blade as you slice. Knife feels comfortable and took me only a few sessions of chopping to feel very comfortable with. It was different to my previous knife with the deeper blade but it feels natural now. I had an issue with my order that the company resolved with the minimum of fuss and the maximum of my satisfaction - I can highly recommend Zelite's customer service, top notch.
Menim, da je ta nož odličen, oster kot britev in izbočen zaključek pomeni, da se čebula, jajčevci in podobno ne primejo rezila, ko jih režete. Nož je udoben in potreboval sem le nekaj sekljanj, da sem se z njim počutil zelo udobno. Bil je drugačen od mojega prejšnjega noža z globljim rezilom, vendar se zdaj zdi naraven. Imel sem težavo z mojim naročilom, ki jo je podjetje rešilo z najmanj truda in največjim zadovoljstvom - toplo priporočam Zelitevo storitev za stranke, vrhunsko.
Fifth knife in this set that I've bought, really sharp, comfortable to hold and easily cuts everything I've tried it on. I thought my old knives were pretty good until I started using this range. Well worth the money to me.
Peti nož v tem kompletu, ki sem ga kupil, res oster, udoben za držanje in zlahka reže vse, kar sem preizkusil. Mislil sem, da so moji stari noži precej dobri, dokler nisem začel uporabljati te serije. Zame je vredno tega denarja.
Given as a gift. Recipient very pleased with it. Could not find out from website how to sharpen it when necessary.
Podarjeno kot darilo. Prejemnik zelo zadovoljen z njim. Na spletnem mestu ni bilo mogoče izvedeti, kako ga izostriti, ko je to potrebno.
I'm real enjoy that knife design perfect blade looks amazing sharped very well balanced good jobb!
Resnično uživam v tem oblikovanju noža, popolno rezilo izgleda čudovito, nabrušeno, zelo dobro uravnoteženo, dobro opravljeno!
Great knife very sharp
Odličen nož zelo oster
What a great bit of kit, superbly made, looks the business and performs brilliantly. A knife not just for Christmas but for life.
Kako odličen komplet, vrhunsko izdelan, izgleda poslovno in deluje odlično. Nož ne le za božič, ampak za vse življenje.
Fantastic knife, wife’s birthday present as she loves cooking, looks gorgeous and is sharp as a razor. Seems to hold its edge, time will tell
Fantastičen nož, ženino darilo za rojstni dan, saj obožuje kuhanje, izgleda čudovito in je oster kot britev. Zdi se, da drži prednost, čas bo pokazal
I had been eyeing up this knife for a while and managed to get it in a sale so was a bargain. When the item first arrived there was a few small micro chips in the blade but I have Japanese whetstone's so was able to remedy this but I contacted the manufacturer to let them know of the defect and with no quibble they offered a partial refund for the inconvenience and still got to keep the knife. Their customer service is second to none and the items they produce are amazing quality. Really sharp out of the box but I always like to put my own angle on them with the whetstone's so now it is just insane. The steel keeps the edge really good as well thanks to the quality of the hard steel. This knife is like a work of art. The patina from the folds and the hammerd finish make it a joy to look at. The extra depth in the blade make it great for scooping up what you've just chopped and it is really well balanced. It cuts through everything I throw at it with ease and is comfortable to use with the ergonomic handle. Even the attention to detail in the laser etching of the company logo and steel info and the leather sheath is amazing. All in all well worth the money paid and would highly recommend to any aspiring chef or home cook.
Nekaj časa sem opazoval ta nož in uspel sem ga dobiti v prodaji, tako da je bil ugoden. Ko je artikel prvič prispel, je bilo v rezilu nekaj majhnih mikro čipov, vendar imam japonske brusne kamne, zato sem lahko to popravil, vendar sem kontaktiral proizvajalca, da bi ga obvestil o napaki, in brez prepirov so ponudili delno povračilo za nevšečnosti. in še vedno moram obdržati nož. Njihova storitev za stranke je enaka in izdelki, ki jih proizvajajo, so neverjetne kakovosti. Resnično ostri kot izven škatle, vendar jih vedno rad postavim pod svoj kot z brusilnim kamnom, tako da je zdaj preprosto noro. Zaradi kakovosti trdega jekla jeklo zelo dobro ohranja rob. Ta nož je kot umetniško delo. Zaradi patine gub in kladivnega zaključka je užitek pogledati. Zaradi dodatne globine rezila je odlično za zajemanje, kar ste pravkar sesekljali, in je res dobro uravnoteženo. Z lahkoto prereže vse, kar vanj vržem, in je udoben za uporabo z ergonomskim ročajem. Celo pozornost do detajlov pri laserskem jedkanju logotipa podjetja in informacij o jeklu ter usnjenem ovoju je neverjetna. Vse skupaj je vredno plačanega denarja in bi ga zelo priporočal vsakemu ambicioznemu kuharju ali domačemu kuharju.
This knife is truly excellent. The balance is good, it is very well sharpened out of the box and the fit and finish is fantastic. Apart from the cutting edge there isn't a sharp edge on the knife anywhere, everything is smooth, rounded and all joints are flush. The blade itself seems well made and cuts wonderfully. I already own a set of Zwilling Pro and Miyabi knives and this really is comparable even though those were far more expensive. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this knife and will definitely buy more in the future.
Ta nož je res odličen. Ravnovesje je dobro, zelo dobro nabrušen, prileganje in končna obdelava sta fantastična. Razen rezila na nožu ni nikjer ostrega roba, vse je gladko, zaobljeno in vsi spoji so poravnani. Samo rezilo se zdi dobro izdelano in reže čudovito. Imam že komplet nožev Zwilling Pro in Miyabi in to je res primerljivo, čeprav so bili ti precej dražji. Brez oklevanja priporočam ta nož in ga bom v prihodnosti zagotovo kupil več.
I love my new knife. I'm a chef nd this is my new work horse however I've had it a few weeks and noticed this last night any ideas what might of caused it I always keep it clean and dry when I'm not using it. Although I live the knife I'm not really happy as its so expensive I wouldn't expect this to happen after only a few weeks
Všeč mi je moj novi nož. Sem kuhar in to je moj novi delovni konj, vendar ga imam že nekaj tednov in sinoči sem to opazil. Kakšne ideje, kaj bi lahko povzročilo. Vedno ga imam čistega in suhega, ko ga ne uporabljam. Čeprav živim z nožem, nisem zares srečen, saj je tako drag, da ne bi pričakoval, da se bo to zgodilo po samo nekaj tednih
I can at best be described as an enthusiastic amateur chef. However, wow what a product. Extremely sharp, well weighted with an amazing handle. The product would be an amazing gift as it comes very well presented. If apple did cooking knifes they would struggle to match the buy experience Zelite provides.
V najboljšem primeru me lahko opišejo kot navdušenega amaterskega kuharja. Vendar, vau, kakšen izdelek. Izjemno oster, dobro obtežen z neverjetnim ročajem. Izdelek bi bil čudovito darilo, saj je zelo dobro predstavljen. Če bi Apple uporabljal kuharske nože, bi težko dosegli izkušnjo nakupa, ki jo ponuja Zelite.
Absolutely brilliant...have wanted a knife like this for some time. Now can enjoy kitchen carving and chopping... Now have 3 of these wonderful knives and hoping to add more soon.
Absolutno briljantno...že nekaj časa sem si želel takšen nož. Zdaj lahko uživate v kuhinjskem rezljanju in sekljanju ... Zdaj imate 3 od teh čudovitih nožev in upam, da jih boste kmalu dodali še več.
Great knife very sharp looks great well made
Odličen nož, zelo oster, izgleda odlično dobro narejen
this was bought as a gift to a chef. he loved it!
to je bilo kupljeno kot darilo kuharju. všeč mu je bilo!
Ok, early days (day one actually). Bought this to replace a £250 Japanese knife that mysteriously vanished during a house extension build. I have given the knife a quick blast through some fruit and veg (including root veg), and I have just used it for portioning a whole uncooked chicken.....something I usually do with my WMF or Henckel due to their greater heft. The Zelite flew through the lot with flying colours. Interestingly, the edge is cut to 12 degrees, which should mean incredible sharpness, but at the cost of increased fragility. We shall see. Japanese knives tend to be 15 degrees, and European knives 20 degrees given the rougher workload of more bone and root veg. Durability of sharpness isn’t something I sweat over, as I tend to sharpen my knives every month on a Chefs Choice 1520. This of course, means that I will be sharpening to 15 degrees in the future, but that shouldn’t be a problem. I will report back in a few months time, and provide a more complete story on living with a top of the range Zelite. It’s nearest competitor is an old KAI that I have which has been a loyal and trusty servant for many years, and is a joy to sharpen and use. On first acquaintance, the Zelite certainly seems to be up to the task.
Ok, zgodnji dnevi (pravzaprav prvi dan). Kupil sem ga kot zamenjavo za 250 GBP vreden japonski nož, ki je skrivnostno izginil med gradnjo prizidka hiše. Z nožem sem na hitro prebrskal nekaj sadja in zelenjave (vključno s korenasto zelenjavo) in pravkar sem ga uporabil za porcioniranje celega nekuhanega piščanca.....nekaj, kar ponavadi naredim s svojim WMF ali Hencklom zaradi njihove večje teže . Zelite je z odliko preletel žreb. Zanimivo je, da je rob prirezan na 12 stopinj, kar naj bi pomenilo neverjetno ostrino, a za ceno povečane krhkosti. Bomo videli. Japonski noži imajo običajno 15 stopinj, evropski noži pa 20 stopinj zaradi grobe delovne obremenitve z več kosti in koreninske zelenjave. Trajnost ostrine ni nekaj, nad čimer se potim, saj ponavadi vsak mesec brusim svoje nože na Chefs Choice 1520. To seveda pomeni, da bom v prihodnosti brusil na 15 stopinj, vendar to ne bi smelo biti problem. Poročal bom čez nekaj mesecev in zagotovil popolnejšo zgodbo o življenju z vrhunskim modelom Zelite. Njegov najbližji tekmec je stari KAI, ki ga imam in je bil dolga leta zvest in zaupljiv služabnik ter ga je z veseljem brusiti in uporabljati. Ob prvem spoznavanju se zdi, da je Zelite kos nalogi.
Great looking Very sharp Holds edge for a long time
Odličen videz Zelo oster Dolgo drži rob
This product is a fantastic knife, great sharp edge. Was a gift for Christmas and was perfect for carving the turkey, and other meats and vegetables. It will be used professionally and domestically.
Ta izdelek je fantastičen nož z odličnim ostrim robom. Bil je darilo za božič in je bil popoln za izrezovanje purana ter drugega mesa in zelenjave. Uporabljal se bo profesionalno in doma.
Delivered next day, superbly packaged and presented, fantastic quality chef knife.
Dostavljen naslednji dan, vrhunsko zapakiran in predstavljen, kuharski nož fantastične kakovosti.
Lovely product that glides through what you are cutting
Čudovit izdelek, ki drsi skozi tisto, kar režete
It’s perfect for me
Zame je popolna
Never had a single problem with Amazon.co.uk and the items I've bought, but at the same time never wrote a review. Now i must do that. Been looking for a chef's knife for about 3 weeks, then I purchased this knife yesterday 13th December, expected by Monday 17th, today by 4 pm was on my door. I've realized from the packaging, done with so much care, that what was inside in it must have been important. The case is beautiful, the leather slipcase too. Handling for the first time such a beautiful knife it's been awesome, once fully unfolded, it's a light show. Truly honest, if you are looking for a great blade with an astonishing sharpness, with an unbelievable well-balanced body, that comes from a serious family-ran company, do not waste 3 weeks like me, this is an excellent manufactured knife that cost definitely less than what its real value is. Thanks ZELITE INFINITY.
Nikoli nisem imel nobene težave z Amazon.co.uk in predmeti, ki sem jih kupil, hkrati pa nikoli nisem napisal ocene. Zdaj moram to storiti. Približno 3 tedne sem iskal kuharski nož, nato pa sem ta nož kupil včeraj, 13. decembra, predvidoma v ponedeljek, 17., danes do 16. ure je bil na mojih vratih. Po embalaži, ki je bila narejena tako skrbno, sem ugotovil, da je moralo biti pomembno, kaj je bilo v njej. Etui je lep, usnjena torbica tudi. Prvič rokovanje s tako lepim nožem je bilo super, ko je bil popolnoma razvit, je svetlobna predstava. Resnično iskreno, če iščete odlično rezilo z osupljivo ostrino, z neverjetno dobro uravnoteženim ohišjem, ki prihaja iz resnega družinskega podjetja, ne zapravljajte 3 tedne kot jaz, to je odličen izdelan nož, ki stane vsekakor manjša od njegove realne vrednosti. Hvala ZELITE INFINITY.
This knife is an absolute beast, i have been using it for over two months and still enjoy and appreciate its quality every time i use it. Mine came with a slight defect but extremely minor and they offered to send me a new knife and said i could keep this one also. Top notch knife and great customer service !
Ta nož je absolutna zver, uporabljam ga več kot dva meseca in še vedno uživam in cenim njegovo kakovost vsakič, ko ga uporabim. Moj je prišel z rahlo napako, vendar zelo majhno, in ponudili so mi, da mi pošljejo nov nož, in rekli, da lahko obdržim tudi tega. Vrhunski nož in odlična storitev za stranke!
Delivered the next day, fantastic quality knife, great to use and a real work of art. If you are considering a new knife and want something of quality from a reputable company, buy this now, you will not regret it.
Dostavljen naslednji dan, nož fantastične kakovosti, odličen za uporabo in prava umetnina. Če razmišljate o novem nožu in želite nekaj kakovostnega od uglednega podjetja, ga kupite zdaj, ne bo vam žal.
Firstly the service and communication by Zelite has been top quality. The packaging and initial impression of contents was very impressive. What to say about this knife?? Well firstly this knife is seriously beautiful. The Damascus is stunning. The handle is functional, robust but also great to look at. So far the blade has proven to be razor sharp and hard wearing. I’m massively impressed and will be returning in future. Thank you Zelite
Prvič, storitev in komunikacija Zelite sta bili vrhunski. Embalaža in prvi vtis vsebine sta bila zelo impresivna. Kaj reči o tem nožu?? Prvič, ta nož je resnično lep. Damask je osupljiv. Ročaj je funkcionalen, robusten, a tudi odličen na pogled. Doslej se je izkazalo, da je rezilo ostro kot britev in trpežno. Sem zelo navdušen in se bom v prihodnosti vrnil. Hvala Zelite
Fantastic packaging. What a knife, any chef you would love this , even all those budding cooks and chefs at home. This knife and others from ZELITE Infinity are an asset to your kitchen, makes all cutting and chopping jobs easy
Fantastično pakiranje. Kakšen nož, vsakemu kuharju bi bil všeč, tudi vsem tistim nadobudnim kuharjem in kuharjem doma. Ta nož in drugi noži ZELITE Infinity so prednost za vašo kuhinjo, saj olajšajo vsa opravila rezanja in sekljanja.
Really is.. Time will tell, obviously ..but after using it for a week of heavy use it remained really sharp. In fact it was just as sharp as when i received it.. Handle is big and beautiful to hold and it slices effortlessly. I like the deep blade as its great for picking up veg and dumping it in a pot. Tried various different cutting styles: Chop, forward and rock and it copes with all of them.. Was going to buy a Santoku but they dont have the rock i was after and a santoku is really only good for fine julienne work.. It makes a great swooshing sound as it cuts which just adds to the amazing craft and build of this blade.. I would like to thanks the people who made this knife as it will get years of service.. Sharpening can be an issue, i use a worksharp original with these belts https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B019YCY49C/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 As heavy grit belts take of too much steel on a fresh new edge. And they seems fine.. They put a keen edge back on it and i was worried that i would never get it as sharp as it was new but it is near as dammit.. I love using it and it makes a hard day just that bit easier.. Thanks.. Elliott..
Res je. Čas bo seveda pokazal ... toda po tednu intenzivne uporabe je ostal res oster. Pravzaprav je bil prav tako oster kot takrat, ko sem ga prejel.. Ročaj je velik in ga je lepo držati in reže brez truda. Všeč mi je globoko rezilo, saj je odlično za pobiranje zelenjave in njeno odlaganje v lonec. Preizkusil sem različne načine rezanja: sekljaj, naprej in skala in kos je vsem. Nameraval sem kupiti Santoku, vendar nimajo skale, ki sem jo želel, in santoku je res dober le za fino delo z julienne. odličen švigajoči zvok, ko reže, kar samo prispeva k neverjetni izdelavi in zgradbi tega rezila.. Rad bi se zahvalil ljudem, ki so izdelali ta nož, saj bo služil leta.. Brušenje je lahko težava, uporabljam worksharp original s temi jermeni https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B019YCY49C/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Ker pasovi z težkimi zrnami na svežem novem robu sprejmejo preveč jekla. In zdijo se v redu.. Ponovno so mu dali oster rob in skrbelo me je, da ga ne bom nikoli naredil tako ostrega, kot je bil nov, vendar je skoraj tako hudičevo.. Rad ga uporabljam in prav to naredi težak dan malo lažje.. Hvala.. Elliott..
Great weight, great handling and really sharp. I will be looking at the rest of the knives these guys have. I think this one should last me a long time 10/10
Velika teža, odlično rokovanje in res oster. Ogledal si bom še ostale nože, ki jih imajo ti fantje. Mislim, da bi mi ta moral zdržati dolgo časa 10/10
Received product promptly & in perfect condition, well packaged Overall an incredible Chef knife & razor sharp is no exaggeration, unquestionably worth the money After un-boxing the 10 inch ZELITE Infinity & removing from its protective thick leather sheath, my wife just looked at me, she just couldn't get over how light & well balanced the knife was to handle & even more impressed after her first use cutting fresh vegetables, she said its like cutting through air I took a piece of silverside out the oven today, ZELITE Infinity made slicing tender roast beef a real pleasure, it carved so easy, amazing, a clean cut on every slice, no crumble or any waste at all Makes food preparation more enjoyable, definitely recommend this product, only wished I'd bought a quality knife like this years ago
Izdelek prejet takoj in v popolnem stanju, dobro zapakiran. Na splošno neverjeten kuharski nož in ostra britev nista pretiravanje, nedvomno vreden svojega denarja. Potem ko sem 10-palčni ZELITE Infinity odstranil iz škatle in odstranil zaščitno debelo usnjeno ovojnico, me je žena samo pogledala , preprosto ni mogla razumeti, kako lahek in dobro uravnotežen je bil nož za rokovanje in še bolj navdušena po prvi uporabi, ko je rezala svežo zelenjavo, je rekla, da je kot rezanje skozi zrak. Danes sem iz pečice vzela kos srebrne strani, ZELITE Infinity rezanje mehke goveje pečenke je postalo pravi užitek, izrezljano je tako enostavno, neverjetno, čist rez na vsaki rezini, brez drobljenja ali kakršnih koli odpadkov Naredi pripravo hrane bolj prijetno, vsekakor priporočam ta izdelek, le želel sem si, da bi kupil kakovosten nož takole pred leti
After spending a while looking for a new chef knife i thought id give this a go even though i hadnt heard of the make. This is by far the best knife i have ever used or owned. Absolutely razor sharp with a great point and rock for detailed work. Comfortable fat grip with a hook on the end making it really comfortable for long slicing jobs. Sharpens up again nicely on a stone and looks great too. My knives take a hammering every day so if this stands the durability test i will be buying more Zelite knives in the future.
Potem ko sem nekaj časa iskal nov kuharski nož, sem pomislil, da bi ga preizkusil, čeprav še nisem slišal za proizvajalca. To je daleč najboljši nož, kar sem jih kdaj uporabljal ali imel. Popolnoma oster kot britev z odlično konico in skalo za podrobno delo. Udoben maščobni oprijem s kavljem na koncu, zaradi česar je zelo udoben za dolga dela rezanja. Ponovno se lepo izostri na kamnu in tudi izgleda odlično. Moji noži so vsak dan izpostavljeni udarcem, tako da bom v prihodnosti kupil več nožev Zelite, če bodo prestali test vzdržljivosti.
Before I review I must say I am not a chef nor will I ever be . I cook at home for me and my girlfriend and daughter . This is my forth Zelite knife it won't be my last . I know sharp from not and Zelite knifes are very sharp , lasting sharp because of the first class steel their made of . Zelite knifes are a pleasure to use and should last me a lifetime . Each time I use the 10" Chefs knife or any of the others it gives me a buzz . Dam but they look so good , work so well I can't wait to cook next . Price is high but the quality is higher . Hell you only live once and I love using the best and I'm worth it ..... Are you .
Preden recenziram, moram reči, da nisem kuhar in nikoli ne bom. Doma kuham zame, punco in hčerko. To je moj četrti nož Zelite, ne bo moj zadnji. Poznam ostre od ne, noži Zelite pa so zelo ostri, dolgotrajni zaradi prvovrstnega jekla, iz katerega so izdelani. Zelite nože je užitek uporabljati in bi mi morali služiti celo življenje. Vsakič, ko uporabim 10" Chefs nož ali katerega koli drugega, me kar zajezi. Dam, ampak izgledajo tako dobro, delujejo tako dobro, da komaj čakam, da kuham naslednjič. Cena je visoka, kakovost pa višja. Hudiča samo enkrat se živi in rad uporabljam najboljše in vreden sem tega ..... Ali si .
I do a lot of cooking. Which as any cook will tell you involves a lot of preparation, and a not inconsiderable amount of chopping, slicing and dicing. almost a couple of years ago I purchased a Zelite Infinity 8" chef knife and it has become my everyday workhorse. Never sharpened, only honed, and still has the best edge of any knife I have used. I recently wanted a 10" chef knife. So for me the only choice was this Zelite 10" Infinity Chef knife. To be fair I've hardly used it yet but the same quality is apparent. The edge superb staright out of the box. The weight and balance are pretty much perfect, and the shape of the handle fits the hand in a very comforting way. I was also very pleased that it came with a very nice quality leather sheath to protect the blade. A lovely touch and something that was not available when I purchased my previous knife. I only wish it were possible to buy a sheath for my 8" knife. However, having asked they are not available as a separate item. This may be something the company may wish to look at in future. I'm sure there would be many customers such as myself who would take advantage if they were to be made available. Anyway, a small(ish) point, overall I am extremely pleased with these knives and would wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone who wants a great chef knife that will give years, if not a lifetime, of excellent service.
Veliko kuham. Kar vam bo povedal vsak kuhar, vključuje veliko priprav in nezanemarljivo količino sekljanja, rezanja in rezanja na kocke. pred skoraj nekaj leti sem kupil kuharski nož Zelite Infinity 8" in postal je moj vsakdanji vlečni konj. Nikoli nabrušen, le brušen in še vedno ima najboljši rob med vsemi noži, ki sem jih uporabljal. Nedavno sem si želel kuharski nož 10" . Zato je bil zame edina izbira ta nož Zelite 10" Infinity Chef. Če povem po pravici, ga komajda še uporabljam, vendar je očitna enaka kakovost. Vrhunski rob takoj po izdelavi. Teža in ravnotežje sta precej popolna, in oblika ročaja se zelo udobno prilega roki. Bil sem tudi zelo zadovoljen, da je prišel z zelo lepim kakovostnim usnjenim ovojem za zaščito rezila in nekaj, kar ni bilo na voljo, ko sem kupil svoj prejšnji nož .Želim si samo, da bi bilo mogoče kupiti nož za moj 8" nož. Vendar po vprašanju niso na voljo kot ločen izdelek. To bo morda nekaj, kar bo podjetje želelo preučiti v prihodnosti. Prepričan sem, da bi bilo veliko strank, kot sem jaz, ki bi izkoristile, če bi bili na voljo. Kakorkoli že, majhna točka, na splošno sem izjemno zadovoljen s temi noži in bi jih z vsem srcem priporočal vsakomur, ki želi odličen kuharski nož, ki bo služil leta, če ne vse življenje, odlično.
Matched the quality of the two I have already purchased, the fact I have now bought 3 speaks well of the quality.
Ujemal se je s kakovostjo obeh, ki sem ju že kupil, dejstvo, da sem zdaj kupil 3, dobro govori o kakovosti.
Arrived on time. The knife boasts superb craftsmanship and was delivered in a high quality box which in turn was well packaged. The balance and heft of the knife is perfect for my (admittedly small) hands. The blade is exceptionally keen out of the box and shouldn't need sharpening for a good while, although I would recommend a good culinary whetstone to help keep it's edge. The handle is comfortable and well finished; a pleasure to work with. The included leather sheath is a very nice addition that emulates the quality of the overall package. If you are serious about cooking then it's worth investing in a product that feels good, works well and gives great satisfaction of money well spent.
Prispeli pravočasno. Nož se ponaša z vrhunsko izdelavo in je bil dobavljen v visokokakovostni škatli, ki je bila dobro zapakirana. Ravnovesje in teža noža sta popolna za moje (resda majhne) roke. Rezilo je izjemno ostro in ga nekaj časa ne bi bilo treba brusiti, čeprav bi priporočal dober kulinarični brusni kamen, da bi ohranil ostrino. Ročaj je udoben in dobro obdelan; z veseljem delati. Priloženi usnjeni ovitek je zelo lep dodatek, ki posnema kakovost celotnega paketa. Če se resno ukvarjate s kuhanjem, potem je vredno vlagati v izdelek, ki je prijeten, dobro deluje in daje veliko zadovoljstvo ob dobro porabljenem denarju.
... And an absolute joy to use! Unmatched balance, supreme sharpness and probably the best piece of kitchen equipment I will ever own (with the obvious exception of a few more Zelite knives to come in the future) . I really cannot recommend these knives highly enough!!!
... In absolutno veselje do uporabe! Neprimerljivo ravnotežje, vrhunska ostrina in verjetno najboljši kos kuhinjske opreme, kar jih bom kdaj imel (z očitno izjemo še nekaj nožev Zelite, ki bodo na voljo v prihodnosti). Teh nožev res ne morem dovolj toplo priporočiti!!!
Lovely knife and I like it comes with a sheath for transport and storage when not in my knife block.
Čudovit nož in všeč mi je, da ima tulec za transport in shranjevanje, ko ni v mojem bloku nožev.
Superb quality. More than happy with the performance and design. Top class service too.
Vrhunska kvaliteta. Več kot zadovoljen z delovanjem in dizajnom. Tudi vrhunska storitev.
My second knife from Zelite, and this one is equally outstanding. Beautiful craftsmanship, combined with high quality, make this knife a pleasure to use. I highly recommend purchasing them over bigger brand name knives, you won’t be disappointed.
Moj drugi nož znamke Zelite in ta je enako izjemen. Zaradi čudovite izdelave v kombinaciji z visoko kakovostjo je uporaba tega noža užitek. Toplo priporočam, da jih kupite namesto večjih nožev blagovnih znamk, ne boste razočarani.
"Firstly I have to say that this knife is absolutely phenomenal in all respects and I can’t believe how different preparing food is using these knives. I haven’t invested this sort of money in a knife before, but in this instance I can say that you get what you pay for and some! This knife will undoubtedly last a lifetime - if you are thinking about buying don’t hesitate."
"Najprej moram reči, da je ta nož naravnost fenomenalen v vseh pogledih in ne morem verjeti, kako drugačna je priprava hrane s temi noži. Toliko denarja še nisem vložil v nož, v tem primeru pa lahko recite, da dobite, kar plačate, in ta nož bo nedvomno zdržal vse življenje – če razmišljate o nakupu, ne odlašajte.«
A razor sharp, wonderfully balanced knife. It looks amazing, and the handle is extremely comfortable. It oozes quality, keeps its edge for a long time and is very easy to sharpen when the time comes.
Oster kot britev, čudovito uravnotežen nož. Izgleda čudovito, ročaj pa izjemno udoben. Izžareva kakovost, dolgo obdrži ostrino in ga je zelo enostavno nabrusiti, ko pride čas.
This is the best Chef’s knife we have ever used, and with the Damascus blade it looks stunning too. Perfectly balanced and incredibly sharp it is a joy to use.
To je najboljši kuharski nož, kar smo jih kdaj uporabljali, z rezilom iz Damaska pa je videti osupljivo. Popolnoma uravnotežen in neverjetno oster je užitek uporabljati.
Great knife with good balance. Leather case is over the top luxury and unnecessary
Odličen nož z dobrim ravnotežjem. Usnjena torbica je nadvse luksuzna in nepotrebna
Superb looking knife incredibly sharp Will update later after prolonged use over time
Nož vrhunskega videza, neverjetno oster Bo posodobljen pozneje po dolgotrajni uporabi
Fabulous knife. Razor sharp, keeps the edge for a long time. Gently wipe the blade against a ceramic steel and you will have a perfectly sharp knife. Best knife I have ever owned. Its been a couple of weeks since I bought this lovely knife, and I thought I would do a little update. First, the handle is exceptionally comfortable, by far the most comfortable knife I have ever used. No matter how long you use it for, or what you are working on, there is no fatigue from the grip. Second, it keeps its edge for ever!! I have gently wiped it down the side of a ceramic steel after several days of use, and the edge was fantastic. Third, for such a large knife, the balance is very good, which gives you superb control and accuracy. Simply put, I am delighted with this knife. I have cooked since I was very young, and this is the best tool I have had in the kitchen. I will not be needing another knife.
Čudovit nož. Oster kot britev, ohranja rob dolgo časa. Nežno obrišite rezilo ob keramično jeklo in imeli boste popolnoma oster nož. Najboljši nož, kar sem jih kdaj imel. Minilo je nekaj tednov, odkar sem kupil ta ljubki nož, in mislil sem, da ga bom malo posodobil. Prvič, ročaj je izjemno udoben, daleč najudobnejši nož, kar sem jih kdaj uporabljal. Ne glede na to, kako dolgo ga uporabljate ali na čem delate, ni utrujenosti zaradi prijema. Drugič, ohranja svojo prednost za vedno!! Po nekaj dneh uporabe sem ga nežno obrisal ob stran keramičnega jekla in rob je bil fantastičen. Tretjič, za tako velik nož je ravnotežje zelo dobro, kar vam omogoča odličen nadzor in natančnost. Preprosto povedano, nad tem nožem sem navdušen. Kuham že od malih nog in to je najboljši pripomoček, ki sem ga imel v kuhinji. Ne bom potreboval drugega noža.
The best blade I have ever used only had 30 years in the industry but hey what do I know edge retention fantastic razor edge so easy to keep heads up people buy the matching utility knife
Najboljše rezilo, kar sem jih kdaj uporabil, je bilo samo 30 let v industriji, toda hej, kaj pa vem, zadrževanje robov, fantastičen rob britvice, tako enostaven za ohranjanje pozornosti, ljudje kupijo ustrezni nož
Had a lot of knives over the years, but this one is outstanding. The build quality is superb and it feels very well balanced. It is literally razor sharp and cuts through food so easily. With it being steel of the highest quality, it should keep sharp for longer. Worth every penny.
V preteklih letih sem imel veliko nožev, a ta je izjemen. Kakovost izdelave je odlična in deluje zelo dobro uravnoteženo. Je dobesedno oster kot britev in tako zlahka reže skozi hrano. Ker gre za jeklo najvišje kakovosti, bi moralo ostati ostro dlje. Vredno vsakega penija.
This knife is easily the best I've ever had. Perfectly weighted and so sharp. Tested it on the top of a raw chicken breast and it just slid down through it.
Ta nož je enostavno najboljši, kar sem jih kdaj imel. Popolnoma obtežen in tako oster. Preizkusil sem ga na vrhu surovih piščančjih prsi in je samo zdrsnil skozi njih.
I use it for general cutting of meat and vegetables. It cuts through raw chicken like butter. I have mostly Global knives but this is so much better. I am so impressed that I have just ordered the 6 inch knife.
Uporabljam ga za splošno rezanje mesa in zelenjave. Surovega piščanca reže kot maslo. Večinoma imam nože Global, vendar je ta veliko boljši. Tako sem navdušen, da sem pravkar naročil 6-palčni nož.
awesome knife top quality"
odličen nož vrhunske kakovosti"
Absolutely beautiful knife, couldn't have been happier with it. The blade looks great, the handle is comfty and it comes superbly sharp. The case it arrives in is also very nice.
Absolutno lep nož, ne bi mogel biti bolj zadovoljen z njim. Rezilo izgleda odlično, ročaj je udoben in je izjemno oster. Etui, v katerem prispe, je tudi zelo lep.
Incredible knives. I have given two as presents so far and everyone is impressed with the sharpness and balance of these beautiful blades. Customer service is also excellent and delivery was so fast. Thank you Zelite and I look forward to actually buying a knife for myself one day
Neverjetni noži. Doslej sem podaril dve in vsi so navdušeni nad ostrino in uravnoteženostjo teh čudovitih rezil. Tudi storitve za stranke so odlične in dostava je bila tako hitra. Hvala Zelite in veselim se, da bom nekega dne dejansko kupil nož zase
Strong, super-sharp knife. Beautifully made and packaged, and fits the hand perfectly when using. Guaranteed quality from its the tip to its hilt. Best knives we've ever bought.
Močan, super oster nož. Lepo izdelan in zapakiran ter se pri uporabi popolnoma prilega roki. Zajamčena kakovost od konice do ročaja. Najboljši noži, kar smo jih kdaj kupili.
I decided to treat myself to one of these as a birthday present, you do not need a degree in rocket science to see the care that has gone into the presentation and finish of this of this knife, it is a work of art, i opened it to make sure all was ok before putting it away until my birthday next weekend. I will add to this report after i have used it, totally gutted to have missed the lightning deal which has just finished where i could have saved £42,but hey ho its the way it goes. I am still very pleased with my choice though, and see no reason why i will not add to it in the future. After using it for when i do curries all i can say is its a dream and its edge stays and has earned my respect, it never sees the dishwasher and it always lives in its sheath, a truy lovely knife. 6" Paring knife next
Odločil sem se, da si privoščim enega od teh kot darilo za rojstni dan, ne potrebujete diplome iz raketne znanosti, da vidite skrb, ki je bila vložena v predstavitev in zaključek tega noža, je umetniško delo, odprl sem da se prepričam, da je vse v redu, preden ga pospravim do mojega rojstnega dne naslednji vikend. Temu poročilu bom dodal, ko ga bom uporabil, popolnoma obupan, ker sem zamudil bliskovito pogodbo, ki se je pravkar zaključila, kjer bi lahko prihranil 42 GBP, ampak hej, tako je. Še vedno pa sem zelo zadovoljen s svojo izbiro in ne vidim razloga, zakaj je ne bi dodal v prihodnosti. Po uporabi, ko delam curry, lahko rečem le, da je sanje in da njegova ostrina ostane in si je prislužil moje spoštovanje, nikoli ne vidi pomivalnega stroja in vedno živi v svoji nožnici, res ljubek nož. 6" nož za lupljenje naslednji
My husband recently purchased some Alpha Royal Series as we already have the Japanese version of these knives and have used them for about a year (they are still super sharp and a pleasure to use) and my mother got a bit jealous as she was still using her old knives, had been going on about how excellent they were, so I thought I'd buy them as a gift to keep her happy!!. Along side the Alpha Royals we also purchased some of the latest Executive plus series as the previous Alpha Royals were superb and I expected that these would be no different....I wasn't disappointed!!. The range of photographs attached show the variety of foods that were prepared using the set. Firstly, the Knives arrived in quality packaging. I was particularly impressed, once opened, with the look of the knives in the box both in and out of their protective pouch....they look super cool with the pattern on the blade and were in keeping with the quality look of the other Zelite knives I've seen and used. The knives themselves are super sharp and you need to be extra careful when you first use them and remove them from the pouch. I cut my finger despite expecting them to be this sharp from prior experience with the Japanese versions! Since they arrived on a Saturday my mother was cooking a Sunday dinner the following day , so it was a great chance to try them out for herself. She was particularly impressed at how very well balanced and easy to use they are and don't feel overly heavy in the hand. They sliced through whatever food was being prepared with ease and all done their jobs with extreme ease. These are on a par with Zelites previous range as they continue to produce outstanding quality knives whether for the occasional chef or the more hard-core ones. Either way they are a definite plus for any kitchen and I can't recommend them highly enough. Now the big question for me….. "Do I keep these and give mother my Japanese ones"!! I don't think I would notice the difference either way!! Sleek Looking, Super Sharp....Sensational Zelite Infinity
Moj mož je pred kratkim kupil serijo Alpha Royal, saj že imamo japonsko različico teh nožev in jih uporabljamo približno eno leto (še vedno so super ostri in jih je z veseljem uporabljati), moja mama pa je postala nekoliko ljubosumna, ker je še vedno uporabljala njeni stari noži, je govoril o tem, kako odlični so, zato sem pomislil, da bi jih kupil kot darilo, da bi bila zadovoljna!!. Poleg Alpha Royals smo kupili tudi nekaj najnovejših serij Executive plus, saj so bili prejšnji Alpha Royals odlični in pričakoval sem, da tudi ti ne bodo nič drugačni...Nisem bil razočaran!!. Številne priložene fotografije prikazujejo raznolikost hrane, ki je bila pripravljena s setom. Prvič, noži so prispeli v kvalitetni embalaži. Ko sem bil odprt, me je še posebej navdušil videz nožev v škatli, tako v zaščitni torbici kot zunaj nje... izgledajo super kul z vzorcem na rezilu in so bili v skladu s kakovostnim videzom drugih Zelite nože, ki sem jih videl in uporabljal. Sami noži so zelo ostri in morate biti posebej previdni, ko jih prvič uporabite in odstranite iz torbice. Urezal sem se v prst, čeprav sem pričakoval, da bodo tako ostri zaradi predhodnih izkušenj z japonskimi različicami! Ker so prispeli v soboto, je moja mama naslednji dan kuhala nedeljsko večerjo, zato je bila odlična priložnost, da jih preizkusi sama. Še posebej je bila navdušena nad tem, kako zelo dobro so uravnoteženi in enostavni za uporabo ter se ne zdijo pretirano težki v roki. Z lahkoto so prerezali katero koli hrano, ki se je pripravljala, in vsi so opravili svoje delo z izjemno lahkoto. Ti so enakovredni prejšnji ponudbi Zelites, saj še naprej proizvajajo nože izjemne kakovosti, bodisi za občasne kuharje ali tiste, ki so bolj zahtevni. V vsakem primeru so nedvomno plus za vsako kuhinjo in jih ne morem dovolj toplo priporočiti. Zdaj pa veliko vprašanje zame….. "Ali obdržim te in mami dam svoje japonske"!! Mislim, da v nobenem primeru ne bi opazil razlike!! Eleganten videz, super oster....Senzacionalen Zelite Infinity
Great and fast replies. Picked up the celebrity and 4.25" paring knives. These are my first high quality knives and I am not disappointed. Look great, feel great and chop amazing. I have no point of reference, but I feel these are of very high quality and well worth the cost.
Odlični in hitri odgovori. Vzel sem slavne in 4,25-palčne nože za lupljenje. To so moji prvi visokokakovostni noži in nisem razočaran. Izgledajo odlično, počutijo se odlično in sekljajo čudovito. Nimam referenčne točke, vendar menim, da so zelo kakovostni in dobri vredno stroškov.
"Excellent delivery, very very fast. Excellent presentation, you just knew these were special. Knives are beautiful, the humpback handle really does make the difference. Expensive yes, but don't think you can get much better
"Odlična dostava, zelo zelo hitra. Odlična predstavitev, vedeli ste, da so posebni. Noži so lepi, grbast ročaj res naredi razliko. Dragi da, vendar ne mislite, da lahko dobite veliko boljšega
arrived sharp as hell managed to shave my forearm with ease beautiful knife it's my 3rd one from zelite very happy
prišel sem oster kot hudič, uspelo mi je z lahkoto obriti podlaket, čudovit nož, to je moj tretji od zelite, zelo vesel
Amazing knife, very high quality finish. It's dangerously sharp so be smart with it! Packaging is excellent as well.
Čudovit nož, zelo kakovostna obdelava. Je nevarno oster, zato bodite pametni z njim! Tudi embalaža je odlična.
This knife is perhaps the most comfortable and scarily sharp piece of kitchenware. Everything you’ve ever wanted in a Santoku knife, beautiful to look at and beautiful to use with amazing results. This knife is a piece of art in every way that matters.
Ta nož je morda najbolj udoben in strašljivo oster kos kuhinjske posode. Vse, kar ste si kdaj želeli pri nožu Santoku, lep na pogled in lep za uporabo z neverjetnimi rezultati. Ta nož je umetnina v vseh pogledih, ki so pomembni.
I have had this knife for a while and to say I am pleased would be an understatement,it is well balanced sharp in fact a pleasure to use.I have been looking for a good knife for ages and am so pleased I picked this one. I am definitely saving up for a few more.I just love using this knife i do All the sliceing and diceing can’t keep me out of the kitchen. Very nice knife.
Ta nož imam že nekaj časa in reči, da sem zadovoljen, bi bilo podcenjeno, saj je dobro uravnotežen, oster, pravzaprav ga je z užitkom uporabljati. Dolgo sem iskal dober nož in tako sem zadovoljen, da sem izbral tega. Vsekakor varčujem za nekaj več. Preprosto rad uporabljam ta nož, ki ga počnem. Vse rezanje in rezanje na kocke me ne more odvrniti od kuhinje. Zelo lep nož.
My favourite knife out of my Zelite collection. I wash it under the tap , it is so sharp that it cuts off very thin slices of skin, and that is after a couple of months use without sharpening. So be careful.
Moj najljubši nož iz moje zbirke Zelite. Perem ga pod pipo, je tako oster, da odreže zelo tanke rezine kože, in to po nekaj mesecih uporabe brez šiljenja. Zato bodite previdni.
Beautiful knife, delivered in beautiful packaging. Very sharp (at least, sharp enough for this home cook). Blade guard is an essential accessory; certainly wouldn't want such a sharp knife lurking in a cluttered drawer. Good to have the robust, total blade cover included. Would I recommend? Without any hesitation.
Čudovit nož, dostavljen v lepi embalaži. Zelo oster (vsaj dovolj oster za to domačo kuharico). Ščitnik za rezilo je nepogrešljiv pripomoček; zagotovo si ne bi želel tako ostrega noža, ki se skriva v natrpanem predalu. Dobro je, da je priložen robusten pokrov za celotno rezilo. Bi priporočal? Brez pomislekov.
purchased as a gift and its was very well received fantastic quality and super sharp....I'm feeling quite jealous and should have kept myself lol"
kupljeno kot darilo in je bilo zelo dobro sprejeto, fantastične kakovosti in super ostre .... Počutim se precej ljubosumno in bi se moral obdržati lol"
With the lovely packaging and the leather sheath you know you have bought a quality knife. It's a joy to use too, razor sharp. I look forward to food preparation, never thought I'd say that!
Z ljubko embalažo in usnjenim ovitkom veste, da ste kupili kvaliteten nož. Prav tako ga je z veseljem uporabljati, saj je oster kot britev. Veselim se priprave hrane, nikoli si nisem mislil, da bom to rekel!
Wow I could not have wished for a better reaction from my son who I purchased this unique blade. He was speechless at the design and uniqueness of the knife.
Ne bi si mogel želeti boljšega odziva svojega sina, ki sem mu kupil to edinstveno rezilo. Ob dizajnu in edinstvenosti noža je ostal brez besed.
Got this just before Christmas and what can I say super knife. Well finished a nice full handle to fill your hand regardless of what grip you use. It has a nice curve to the blade so you can rock the knife as well. I gets used every and it maintains it sharp edge very well. Very good knife indeed.
To sem dobil tik pred božičem in kaj naj rečem, super nož. Dobro obdelan lep poln ročaj, ki napolni vašo roko ne glede na to, kakšen prijem uporabljate. Ima lepo ukrivljenost rezila, tako da lahko nož tudi zazibate. Vsakič se ga navadim in zelo dobro ohranja oster rob. Res zelo dober nož.
As part of a set it has been performing well in the short time I have had it as are the other knives. Very well presented so would make a great gift for that special occasion. Early days but the knives are keeping an edge and I have had no need to use the ceramic steel as yet. Pleasure to use and make the job easier through good design.
Kot del kompleta se dobro obnese v kratkem času, ko ga imam, tako kot drugi noži. Zelo dobro predstavljeno, zato bi bilo odlično darilo za to posebno priložnost. Zgodnji dnevi, vendar noži ohranjajo prednost in keramičnega jekla še nisem potreboval. Užitek v uporabi in olajšanje dela z dobrim dizajnom.
Had been watching this knife for a while and when the price dropped for boxing day decided to order one as wasn't sure if it was worth the price tag. Arrived on time in a very good packaging.The blade has a leather pouch for safety.Feels sturdy and well made. Is heavy but not awkward for chopping. Blade is extremely sharp and chopped vegetables effortlessely. Only time will tell if the sharpness remains.Though on the expensive side, you get what you pay for and is worth the money.I am not a chef but a keen cook and I am extremely happy with the knife. Will definitely recommend it.
Nekaj časa sem opazoval ta nož in ko je cena padla za boksarski dan, sem se odločil, da ga naročim, ker nisem bil prepričan, ali je vreden te cene. Prispelo pravočasno v zelo dobri embalaži. Rezilo ima usnjeno torbico za varnost. Na otip je trdno in dobro izdelano. Je težek, vendar ni neroden za sekljanje. Rezilo je izjemno ostro in brez napora reže zelenjavo. Samo čas bo pokazal, ali bo ostrina ostala. Čeprav je drago, dobite tisto, kar plačate, in je vredno svojega denarja. Nisem kuhar, ampak navdušen kuhar in sem izjemno zadovoljen z nožem. Vsekakor priporočam.
This is a great knife! It comes very well packaged/presented and would make a really nice gift. Well this one was just for me. First thing I did - slice a soft tomato- wow. , it was like shaving off a sliver of meat with a meat slicer such was the thinness of the slice with no mess. I managed to cut over 20 slices from a single soft tomato. Ok, so it is sharp. It's not a fluted design but nothing seems to stick to it when chopping. Made light work of the greasy cooked chicken thighs I was dicing up. Makes double quick work on onions too with no tears. It compliments my Naifu D67 set perfectly. So how did I cut myself with such a big blade to get "behind"? Well I didn't, not when using it. I was clearing up the bits from chopping when my thumb, then my finger brushed past the knife as it lay on the counter - wow! Felt like a Samurai attack. Be careful, and treat this knife with respect. Love it.
To je odličen nož! Prihaja zelo dobro zapakiran/predstavljen in bi bil res lepo darilo. No, ta je bil samo zame. Prva stvar, ki sem jo naredil - narezal mehak paradižnik - vau. , bilo je, kot da bi z mesoreznico obril kos mesa, tako tanka je bila rezina brez nereda. Iz enega samega mehkega paradižnika mi je uspelo narezati več kot 20 rezin. Ok, torej je ostro. Ni naguban dizajn, vendar se zdi, da se pri sekljanju nanj nič ne prime. Lahka dela iz mastnih kuhanih piščančjih beder, ki sem jih rezal na kocke. Omogoča dvojno hitro delo tudi s čebulo brez solz. Popolnoma dopolnjuje moj komplet Naifu D67. Kako sem se torej porezal s tako velikim rezilom, da sem prišel "zadaj"? Pa nisem, ne pri uporabi. Odstranjeval sem delce od sekljanja, ko je moj palec, nato prst švignil mimo noža, ko je ležal na pultu – vau! Počutil sem se kot napad samuraja. Bodite previdni in s tem nožem ravnajte spoštljivo. Všeč mi je.
Brilliant service. It was a Christmas present for my daughters boyfriend and he loves cooking and was really pleased with the product and is using it all the time.
Briljantna storitev. To je bilo božično darilo za fanta moje hčere, ki obožuje kuhanje in je bil zelo zadovoljen z izdelkom in ga uporablja ves čas.
From the packaging through to the actual knife itself this experience oozes quality. Not being a chef, although I really enjoy and spend a lot of time cooking, I was a bit doubtful about spending £150 on a single knife but was keen to get something a bit better than the bog standard knives I was used to. This knife was exactly what I had been looking for. If spending time in the kitchen is your thing, whilst using top quality products, then you won’t be disappointed in any respect. An absolutely top quality product that will provide you with pleasure and will be a joy to use for many years to come.
Od embalaže do samega noža ta izkušnja izžareva kakovost. Ker nisem kuhar, čeprav resnično uživam in kuhanju preživim veliko časa, sem bil nekoliko v dvomih, ali bi porabil 150 GBP za en sam nož, vendar sem želel dobiti nekaj boljšega od običajnih močvirskih nožev, ki sem jih bil vajen. Ta nož je bil točno to, kar sem iskal. Če vam je všeč preživljanje časa v kuhinji ob uporabi vrhunskih izdelkov, potem ne boste razočarani v nobenem pogledu. Absolutno vrhunski izdelek, ki vam bo v veselje in ga boste z veseljem uporabljali še vrsto let.
I am overwhelmed by these knives, they are just beautiful, from the packaging to the balance and then the knife itself, I am very proud to have some in my kitchen. The care that comes through from this family run business is in every detail of my purchase. Thank you Zelite xx
Navdušen sem nad temi noži, naravnost lepi so, od embalaže do tehtnice in nato samega noža, zelo sem ponosen, da jih imam v svoji kuhinji. Skrb, ki izhaja iz tega družinskega podjetja, je v vsaki podrobnosti mojega nakupa. Hvala Zelite xx
I've never really spent much time in the kitchen, but having great knifes that feel good in the hand and cut so well without any effort makes cooking a pleasure and enjoyable. This is my 4th Zelite knife and my selection of knifes is slowly getting there.
Nikoli nisem preživel veliko časa v kuhinji, toda z odličnimi noži, ki se dobro počutijo v roki in tako dobro režejo brez kakršnega koli napora, je kuhanje užitek in užitek. To je moj 4. nož Zelite in moj izbor nožev se počasi povečuje.